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Tech Fest Preview: Rocking and Rolling with Xaar

The FuturePrint Tech Fest is a celebration of print technology taking place on the 29th-30th June 2021, where experts will provide updates on new technological developments, innovations and stories of how the print technology community is bringing to life new ideas that create new possibilities. We catch up with Renzo Trip, Principal Engineer at Xaar, to discuss what attendees can expect from his presentation, ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll: Direct-to-Shape Inkjet Applications’.

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Tech Fest Preview: Testing and Choosing Print Heads for Industrial Applications

In my previous FuturePrint blog on the topic of modular lab testing, we looked at how combining drop watcher technology with modular components for printing and curing can help with customised testing of different material combination for industrial inkjet applications. We follow up here with a brief discussion on print head choices and testing for meeting different fluid needs.

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Global Inkjet Systems: Optimism, Engagement and the Resilience of Inkjet

Following the news that Global Inkjet Systems, the leading developer and supplier of application software, drive electronics and ink system components, has joined FuturePrint as a 2021 Content Partner, we caught up with Business Development Director Debbie Thorp to reflect on 2020 and take an optimistic yet pragmatic look to the future, including a teaser for what’s in-store from GIS in 2021.

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