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DoDxAct’s Pandemic Response – Driving Lab Capability

In the FuturePrint events in October 2020 and February 2021, the effects of the pandemic on print and the hopes for the future have been a big focus. When the UK lockdown was announced in February 2020 DoDxAct had only been trading for just over two years and was building a reputation for combining its expertise in inkjet process optimisation with a practical support through lab testing. Almost 50% of our business relied on travel to customer sites, either providing print head and waveform training or assisting directly with the design and build of highly-customised inkjet deposition devices.

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Inkjet Fluid Testing: Why Modular Equipment is the Key to Success

In my previous FuturePrint blog on the topic of fluid testing for industrial inkjet [1], I highlighted how any R&D laboratory seeking to demonstrate the potential of their ink or fluid needs to consider how to print in addition to just jetting. At DoDxAct, we have always followed this mantra and thus are able to develop expertise and experience that means our advice and training is fully supported by experimental results. In this post, we describe in more detail the importance of modular equipment design for the fullest possible application coverage to serve our clients.

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