Leaders Summit: EFI on the Possibilities of Digital Inkjet

The FuturePrint Leaders Summit is taking place on the 23rd and 24th of March, where global leaders in print technology will offer insight, opinion and a vision for the future as the world emerges, a new market materialises, and new opportunities are revealed. The possibilities of digital inkjet, particularly those that were once solely the domain of analogue processes, are growing all the time. Doug Edwards, Chief Technology Officer, EFI, gives us a taste of EFI’s focus ahead of his session at the event.

The FuturePrint Leaders Summit is all about a big picture vision for the future – where are the opportunities as we cautiously emerge from a global pandemic? According to Doug Edwards, the advancements in digital inkjet mean those opportunities will be more widespread than ever. Doug says: “Now there is so much opportunity for customers in industrial applications such as corrugated packaging, textiles and building materials. These are markets that are largely analog but can transform thanks to newer, even more advanced solutions that allow for a strong TCO even on longer runs.

“When you look at markets like textile where less than 10 percent of work is produced digitally, and see that it is also an industry with increasing labor concerns and even more significant sustainability issues, the efficiencies that come with digital really are the future.”

 EFI’s holistic approach to the customer experience makes looking at the ‘big picture’ a breeze, particularly when it comes to moving from analogue to digital. Doug continues: “We work to emphasize the total picture in terms of the advantages customers gain from our digital solutions. And in many cases, it involves taking a close look at the total cost of ownership that comes with using a digital device rather than analog processes.

“The advantage becomes evident in looking at our customers’ experiences. For example, the analyst group IT Strategies recently did a survey of EFI Nozomi users, looking to see if the advantages promoted in digital single-pass production came to pass. While those packaging converters did not see a large migration from flexo to digital, the cost advantage surveyed customers found in replacing litho lamination was important.

“These converters found that using a Nozomi to both convert litho lamination work to digital and take litho lamination work from other converters was the #1 source of work for their printers. A strong second, however, was digital ability’s create new business/applications that the company could not do before.” For more insight into how EFI helps customers pivot to digital and grow their digital business, don’t miss Doug Edwards at the FuturePrint Leaders Summit.

Register for the session ‘EFI – The Future of Print’ here.

View the full Leaders Summit schedule here.

Find out more about EFI here.


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