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FuturePrint TECH Packaging & Labels, Valencia - Day One Round-up

As the sun begins to set on the first day of our FuturePrint TECH Packaging & Labels conference in Valencia, it's clear that this event is going to be an annual date in our diaries. The day was packed with interesting presentations that covered a wide range of topics, from the latest updates and trends in inkjet technology, to the economic impacts and brand stories enabled by digital print in packaging. Other highlights included talks on printhead cleaning, sustainability & energy cost reduction, and touched on other diverse innovations shaping the future of print in packaging and labels.

Guy Newcombe of Archipelago shared a thought-provoking perspective with us. He mentioned that the value of these events doesn’t only lie in the content of current presentations but also in revisiting and connecting the dots between insights of previous discussions, leading to the creation of novel ideas and thought processes, which in itself is the catalyst for innovation.

As attendees wind down with a traditional Valencian paella, we look forward to a second day of presentations and networking opportunities.  The success of day 1 sets a high bar, but the line-up of speakers and topics scheduled for tomorrow will no doubt further cement FuturePrint TECH Packaging & Label’s place in the print industry’s calendar!